woman clutching her jaw

Sedation Dentistry
in Ottawa, ON

A Painless Dental Experience

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Do you have anxiety associated with dental treatments? At Dow’s Lake Dental, Dr. El-Hawary offers sedation services to keep you feeling relaxed and comfortable throughout your procedure. It’s important to give your teeth the necessary care they need to maintain your oral health. If not, you run the risk of developing serious complications in the future. Luckily, minimal sedation during dental treatments is safe and effective for both adult and child patients.

Don’t let fear prevent you from giving your teeth the dental attention they deserve. Read below to learn how you can benefit from our sedation options. Most patients report feeling calm throughout their treatment without experiencing any form of discomfort.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation is a type of anesthesia that’s used for patients with dental anxiety. When absorbed into the body, the anesthetic has a relaxing and drowsy effect, but will still allow them to remain conscious throughout the procedure — depending on the dosage. Sedation is commonly used in a variety of different dental treatments, from regular cleanings to root canal therapy.

Depending on your level of anxiety and the type of invasive procedure you’re having, our sedation services will make sure that you’re feeling comfortable throughout.

How Does Sedation Dentistry Work?

Sedation will be administered at the start of your dental procedure. During your initial consultation with your dentist, they’ll determine which sedation option is right for you based on your anxiety level and treatment. Our staff will gradually administer the sedative so that you won’t have any memory of your procedure.

Benefits of Sedation

Patients will enter a relaxed state when they are administered sedation. After your procedure, the drowsy and groggy effects will wear off over the course of a few minutes to a couple of hours. Patients receiving minimal nitrous oxide can even drive home on their own.

Patients can benefit from sedation if they experience any of the following:

Am I a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

If you instantly feel anxiety when stepping into a dentist’s office or have a fear of needles and dental tools, our sedation may be right for you. During your consultation with one of our expert dentists, they’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Common Questions About Sedation Dentistry

Sedation is not the same as general anesthesia, which is typically used for patients who are undergoing surgery. Our patients are given a customized type of sedatives through pills or a nose-mask in the form of gasses. Unlike anesthesia, you can still respond to verbal stimuli and physical touch with sedation, since you’re still conscious. The recovery time is also faster — making it a safer option than general anesthesia.

Sedation can be administered in different ways depending on your procedure. Minimal sedation is achieved with gas-nitrous oxide, or with a pill — you’ll feel drowsy but still be able to talk. Nitrous oxide is the only type of sedation where you may be able to drive home following the procedure. It’s mandatory to fast (no food or drink) for 2 hours prior to receiving sedation.

Your recovery time will depend on the type of sedation administered. If you receive nitrous oxide, the effects will wear off shortly after the procedure. If through an oral pill, it may take 18 hours for your body to fully metabolize the medication. Our office recommends avoiding any activities that can put you in harm’s way, such as driving, until the effects wear off.

Sedation is generally safe for children. As long as an experienced dentist such as Dr. El-Hawary is conducting your child’s procedure, you can be rest assured knowing that they will be minimal risk. Typically, children will only be given mild forms of sedation such as nitrous oxide for their procedure.

At Dow’s Lake Dental, our sedation options give patients the comfort they need to receive vital dental care. You won’t have to worry about feeling any potential discomfort, heat, or pressure during your procedure with Dr. El-Hawary. For more information about sedation, contact our office by calling or by filling out a contact form.