Keeping Your Smile in Check: Cancer and Dental Health

Cancer can have a major impact on your mouth, teeth, and gums. It affects the cells that form our teeth and salivary glands as well as physical activities, such as eating and talking. That's why keeping oral health in check is even more important when dealing with this medical condition.

How Cancer Treatments Can Affect the Mouth

If you've been diagnosed with cancer or are going through treatment, keeping track of any changes in your mouth and contacting your dentist right away if there are any concerns is important.

You may need to visit more often for dental checkups or use fluoride mouth rinses to help prevent cavities. Overall, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential when diagnosed with cancer, as it can help you maintain a healthy mouth.

Protecting Health Before, During, and After Receiving Cancer Treatments

Make sure to tell your dentist if you’re receiving radiation or chemotherapy treatment, as these medications may require modifications to your oral health practices. Here are some ways to take care of your mouth throughout the process:

By following these steps, you can protect your oral health before, during, and after receiving cancer treatments.

How Your Dentist Can Help Protect Your Oral Health Against Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Having cancer can have a significant impact on your overall health, and paying attention to your oral health during this time is vital. Your dentist can provide valuable information and help you stay healthy, even with cancer.

By working closely with your dentist, you can ensure that your oral health is taken care of during cancer treatments and beyond.

See the Dentist in Ottawa, ON, for More Information on Cancer and Dental Health

Maintaining good dental health habits will not only help with overall health but can also improve quality of life. If you have questions or concerns about your oral health while undergoing cancer treatments, don't hesitate to reach out to your dentist to learn more.

If you would like to schedule an oral cancer examination in Ottawa, ON, you may contact us at Dow’s Lake Dental. Whether it’s cancer or another health concern, we’re ready to provide guidance and support and help keep your mouth healthy.