Do These Things Regularly for Whiter Teeth

Regardless of whether you’re a consistent smoker, use dentures, or merely want to look and feel your best, having bright, white teeth can make a difference in everything from your self-confidence to even how much you want to smile.

We believe that smiling is a beautiful thing, and as a result, our team has considered all of the trending methods to whiten teeth and compiled a list of the top ways to do so safely, comfortably, and regularly. They’re as follows:

  1. Brushing with Baking Soda

    A common trick is to use commercial toothpaste that includes baking soda as an ingredient.

    It creates an alkaline environment in your mouth, preventing bacteria from growing and acting as a mild abrasive that can help scrub away surface stains.

    You shouldn’t expect pearly whites overnight, but by brushing regularly (as you should) with toothpaste containing baking soda, you should notice a difference in brightness over time.

  2. Eating Fruits and Vegetables

    Studies indicate that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can do more than keep your body in tip-top shape.

    While not being a substitute for the handy toothbrush, they can assist with rubbing plaque away as you chew. This is especially true for crunchier fruits and vegetables such as celery and apples.

  3. Being Mindful of Foods and Beverages that Stain Teeth

    A good way to whiten your teeth regularly is to consider what you eat and drink before that next meal, rather than afterward.

    Beverages such as coffee, red wine, and soda and foods such as dark berries are highly infamous for their abilities to stain teeth quickly and stubbornly, for instance.

    A good solution – if it’s just too hard to go without that cup of coffee in the morning – is to drink through a straw and limit the access staining beverages have to your teeth and enamel.

    Sugar intake should also be cut back as much as possible. Brush your teeth right after having one of these items to limit the effect they have even further.

  4. Reducing the Intake of Sweets

    Reducing the consumption of sugary treats can have a significant impact on preventing tooth discolouration.

    Sugars present in sweets can promote the growth of oral bacteria, which produce acids that lead to the demineralization and erosion of tooth enamel. As enamel wears down, it reveals the darker dentin beneath and can cause the teeth to appear yellowed or stained.

    Moreover, candies, particularly those that are hard or sticky, tend to linger on the teeth longer, exacerbating the risk of plaque buildup, which not only discolours the teeth but can lead to cavities as well.

    Therefore, by minimizing the intake of sweet snacks and being mindful of their potential effects, you can protect your enamel from premature wear and maintain the natural whiteness of your teeth.

  5. Avoiding Smoking and Tobacco Chewing

    Smoking is a major cause of not only tooth discolouration, but also rapid decay and progression of oral health problems including cancers and gingivitis.

    Tapering off and eventually quitting will not only save your smile but also most likely your life in the long run.

  6. Rinsing With Water After Meals

    Rinsing with plain water immediately after meals is a simple, yet effective daily practice to keep your smile bright.

    It helps by washing away food particles and residues that can stain teeth, such as those from coffee, tea, and red wine. It also dilutes the acids produced by bacteria in the mouth, which not only contribute to discolouration but can also lead to enamel erosion over time.

    Consequently, this habit assists in maintaining the natural whiteness of your teeth and contributes to overall oral hygiene.

  7. Flossing Daily

    Flossing regularly plays a crucial role in preventing tooth discolouration by removing the plaque and food particles that can lead to staining. Plaque buildup, especially between teeth, can cause a yellowish tint if not cleared away.

    In addition to its whitening benefits, flossing is essential for maintaining gum health, which is also linked to the overall vibrancy of one's smile.

    By incorporating flossing into your daily oral care routine, you’re taking an important step towards preserving the natural shade of your teeth and ensuring a healthier mouth.

  8. Cleaning Tongue

    Regularly cleaning your tongue is another layer of defense against tooth staining.

    The tongue's surface can trap bacteria and food particles, which not only contribute to bad breath but can also transfer to your teeth and lead to stains. Using a tongue scraper or your toothbrush to clean your tongue removes this layer of bacteria and debris.

    This simple addition to your oral hygiene regimen can help to ensure that your teeth remain free of the plaque that can cause discolouration, thereby enhancing your smile's brightness.

  9. Gargling With Antibacterial Mouthwash

    Antibacterial mouthwash can be an effective ally in keeping the teeth white, as it helps to kill bacteria that produce acids contributing to both plaque formation and staining.

    By reducing the bacterial load in the mouth, mouthwash not only freshens breath but also helps maintain the enamel's integrity, therefore keeping your teeth whiter.

    However, it's important to choose a mouthwash that doesn't contain chromogens (substances that can become a colouring pigment) or high alcohol content, which could potentially lead to staining and drying of the mouth, respectively.

For best results, use mouthwash in conjunction with regular brushing and flossing to maintain optimal oral hygiene and a brighter smile.

If you’re looking to whiten your teeth quickly, Dow’s Lake Dental offers highly efficient and professional whitening treatments. Combined with the tips listed above, they’ll help ensure a brighter and more confident smile. Contact us today for more details.