11 Little Ways to Take Care of Your Teeth During the Day

We all know the importance of maintaining good oral care practices by flossing daily and brushing in the morning and before bedtime. But are you aware of how to take care of your teeth during the daytime?

It’s important to be mindful of our teeth and gums during our daily activities, even though it can be challenging. To help you get started, here are 11 little ways you can take your dental care to the next level and receive well-rounded protection day in and day out.

  1. Avoid Soda

    Soda is packed with acid that attacks your teeth and eats away at your enamel. If it’s consumed regularly and in high quantities, pop can result in cavities and erosion as well as unsightly stains. But you can avoid tooth decay and damage by simply limiting your soft drink intake and choosing water instead.

  2. Reduce Processed Foods

    Processed foods contain an above-average amount of preservatives and sugars that cause bacteria to flourish. Without being brushed away, the bacteria can spend the day wreaking havoc in your mouth. So to ensure your teeth are taken care of, it helps to reduce your intake of processed foods as much as possible during the day.

  3. Clean Your Tongue

    Maintaining a clean tongue is crucial for overall dental health, primarily because the tongue harbors bacteria that can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease.

    When the tongue isn’t regularly cleaned, a buildup of bacteria can occur, leading to bad breath and a higher possibility of dental issues.

    Furthermore, a clean tongue enhances taste bud sensitivity, improving the sensory experience when eating and potentially leading to better dietary choices.

  4. Brush Properly

    Proper brushing technique is paramount in maintaining oral hygiene and preventing dental issues. It aids in the complete removal of plaque—a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth and gums—thus reducing the risk of tooth decay, gingivitis, and periodontal disease.

    Brushing properly, with gentle circular motions, reaches all surfaces of the teeth and the gum line without causing abrasion to the enamel or gums. This meticulous approach protects against cavities and preserves the longevity of both teeth and gums, which are fundamental to overall health.

  5. Floss Often

    Flossing once before bed can help remove food particles that can get lodged in the teeth throughout the day.

    Without flossing, these particles can lead to plaque build-up, causing bacteria to thrive in the mouth. Bringing some floss to work is always helpful for getting in a regular habit of cleaning teeth after lunchtime and to ensure better oral care during the day.

  6. Chew Sugar-Free Gum

    Chewing sugar-free gum after a meal can also help to protect your teeth. When you chomp on a stick of gum, it promotes saliva production in your mouth. Saliva helps naturally remove the bacteria from your teeth and neutralize any acids that cause oral problems.

  7. Drink Water More Often

    Drinking water is a simple yet effective practice for oral health maintenance. It aids wash away food particles and residues that bacteria in the mouth would otherwise use to produce acids, leading to cavities.

    Additionally, water promotes saliva production, which is essential in balancing the pH levels inside the mouth, protecting the enamel, and preventing tooth decay.

    By making water your primary choice for hydration, you can bolster the natural defense mechanism of the mouth against dental issues.

  8. Say No to Tobacco

    We all know that tobacco is harmful to our lungs, but it’s also extremely bad for our oral health. The toxic fumes in tobacco cause staining on the surface of your teeth and can lead to oral cancer and gum disease. If you’re a smoker, now’s the time to quit!

  9. Wear A Protective Guard During Sports Play

    If you love to play sports or engage in recreational activities, remember to protect your teeth from any damage that could arise.

    We recommend that you keep a mouthguard in your bag, so you’re prepared when playing contact sports and recreational activities like football, ice hockey, or karate.

  10. Use Teeth Only for Eating

    Using teeth for purposes other than eating, such as opening bottles or tearing packages, can lead to unnecessary dental damage, including chipped or fractured teeth.

    Teeth are designed to handle the natural wear and tear of chewing food, but they’re not meant to handle the stress caused by non-food items, which can exert uneven or excessive force.

    These behaviors can compromise the integrity of dental work, like fillings or crowns, and may also injure the jaw. That being said, use your teeth solely for their intended purpose to maintain long-term oral health and avoid costly dental repairs.

  11. Eat Healthily

    Your diet is directly related to the health of your teeth and gums. A well-balanced diet of grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products can provide all the nutrients and vitamins you need to keep your teeth healthy.

The more time you spend taking care of your teeth, the longer they’ll stay looking their best. That’s why at Dow’s Lake Dental, our professional dentists provide our clients with the best comprehensive dental advice for total oral care.

Call us at today to learn more about our services or to schedule your next appointment.